O cerere in casatorie la cinema

My girlfriend Ginny gets taken to the movie theater to see “Fast Five”. After a preview for the Hangover 2, a trailer for a movie comes on. A trailer I made of her father and I where I ask her father for her hand in marriage. After he gives me permission, I race off to the theater she is at to ask her to marry me.
What she doesn’t know is our familiy and friends are in the theater with her watching the whole thing, along with about 100 strangers 😉

E plin internetul de cereri in casatorie insa cea de mai jos isi merita locul intr-un top 5 al celor mai bune/spectaculoase pe care le-am vazut pana acum. Ideea tipului e geniala, pe scurt: stiti ca la cinema, inainte de inceperea filmului, ruleaza tot felul de preview-uri. Eh, priviti……



  1. Io m-am cintat de doua ori pe parcursul filmuletului 😀

  2. Cam des folosita ideea asta in ultima vreme.. Oricum, primul ce l-am vazut mi s-a parut cel mai interesant si cu MULT peste cel promovat zilele astea peste tot

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