Omul asta a lesinat la volan

Omul asta a lesinat la volan

Crash caught on dashcam.
Previously unknown medical condition caused a crash on 4/2/2015. I have never passed out in 26 years, but suddenly passed out. I wasn’t tired, sleepy or anything like that.

Inclin sa cred ca daca nu avea cutie automata, masina se oprea si nimic din ce veti vedea mai jos nu s-ar fi intamplat.



  1. Eu zic ca a încercat să înșele o firmă de asigurări . Cine-si pune dashcam-ul in pozitia asta in masina?

  2. @branco “People seem hung up on the camera view, but my Duster has had the exact same perspective camera mount since July 2013”

  3. Putea sa-i fie fatala chestia asta. Bine ca si-a revenit totusi si nu a accidentat pe nimeni.

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