Cand invizibilul devine vizibil

Brothers and Sisters creative team Lisa Jelliffe and Kirsten Rutherford have teamed up with the anonymous German street art collective Mentalgassi, to create art installations for Amnesty International.
We’ve called the installations ‘Making the invisible visible’. They highlight the case of Troy Davis, a man who has been on death row for 19 years in the USA, despite serious doubts about his conviction. The posters are displayed on fence railings. Front on, you see nothing but bars. Troy’s face only becomes visible from an angle. Please help save Troy from being executed.

Sunt sigur ca ati auzit de Amnesty International – o organizatie neguvernamentală internatională care are telul de a promova drepturile omului. Mai jos puteti viziona o campanie prin care este evidentiat cazul Troy Davis, un om care a facut 19 ani de inchisoare chiar daca probele adunate impotriva sa nu erau cele mai concludente.

Modul in care au ales sa vopseasca acel gard cat si ideea in sine mi se par geniale. Sunteti de acord cu mine?



  1. eh, “tehnologia” asta am vazut-o aplicata in aeoportul din zurich acu’ 2 ani de zile. si de mult mai mare efect 😉

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