Google a lansat masina fara sofer

Google a lansat masina fara sofer

A First Drive
Fully autonomous driving has always been the goal of our project, because we think this could improve road safety and help lots of people who can’t drive.
We’re now developing prototypes of vehicles that have been designed from the ground up to drive themselves—just push a button and they’ll take you where you want to go! We’ll use these vehicles to test our software and learn what it will really take to bring this technology into the world.
Watch volunteers take a ride in Mountain View, California. Then read more at:

Dupa ce ani de zile a adaptat vehicule Toyota si Lexus pentru a testa masinile capabile sa se conduca singure, Google a ales sa prezinte propriul model, un prototip cu doua locuri care va fi testat in oras. Masinuta nu are volan, acceleratie sau frana, are locuri pentru doua persoane si viteza maxima va fi limitata la 40 km/h. Un constructor auto al carui nume nu a fost comunicat va asambla o flota de 100 de vehicule ce vor fi testate in SUA.
Sa o urmarim in actiune:

Bonus: Behind the Google Self Driving Car Project

via hotnews, thx to branco



  1. Masinuta e superba, nu doresc una neaparat google, dar producatorii nu se gandesc de loc la masini sub 2000-4000 euro, eu nu am nevoie de una mare ci de una mica si ieftina pana in 50km/h

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