Subway pics: Moscow vs. Dubai

Subway in Dubai: most beautiful of the world? As with everything in Dubai, even the underground is extravagant.

If you ever think about travel to Russia and visit Moscow, you might like visit Moscow subway. It’s definetely worth looking. First of all architecture of Moscow subway is astonishing, I think I’ll make a separate post about architecture of Moscow subway, because each stop, each station is so nice. During Soviet era amounts worth of millions dollars were invested in the construction of Moscow subway.

Each station is like museum, with huge patchworks occupying some walls, high ceilings and antique type chandeliers.

source: 1 & 2

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This post was written by bullets on January 29, 2008

8 Comments so far

  1. subcorpus January 30, 2008 12:26 am

    i prefer the russian …
    is it me or every place in dubai looks like an airport lounge area …

  2. PsiPhi January 30, 2008 12:40 am

    Great photos! Are the Moscow ones your own? These would be amazing to have as high resolution HDRI images for wrapping around 3D scenes.

  3. DD January 30, 2008 3:03 am

    As with everything in Dubai, it is still under construction!

  4. Patrick L January 30, 2008 4:05 am

    New York City subways look third world in comparison. Wait, NYC subways are third world.

  5. Kay January 30, 2008 7:57 pm

    Ermmmmm…… no your wrong. The above pictures are not of the dubai metro, the pictures are actually of the new terminal 3 at dubai airport. If you have a close look at picture number four, on the sign boards it says directions to check-in and departure gates. When since did we have to check-in for trains and have departure gates for underground/ metro stations. the metro stations are still under construction, only the tunelling work has been completed.


    No its not you, the reason why it looks like an airport to you is because the damn thing is an airport. lol

  6. rye January 31, 2008 7:27 am

    yah, your right men, its the extension of the airport.. try to look at the roof, the design of the roof of the metro stations are not like that.. Dubai Metro is still under construction and there are still concentrating on the rails, bridges and tunnels… and NO terminal yet being constructed, date of commencement for terminals will start at the end of this year…

  7. Kay February 1, 2008 9:55 pm

    yep your right about the roof. When you say terminal do you mean the stations for the metro?

  8. Russian Visa August 9, 2008 7:50 am

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    very happy to read it. This is really very nice. Thank you for it.

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