Fighting the Curse of the Face-Eating Tumour

A Jehovah’s Witness who for decades refused all surgery on his horrific facial disfigurement has been given hope by a British doctor and new medical technology.

Jose’s condition, haemangioma, stems from abnormalities in the capillaries and veins in his face. In effect, what should be a river carrying blood back to his heart has turned into a lake, which has now expanded to obliterate the rest of his features.

Unwilling to accept a blood transfusion, Jose Mestre has allowed the bloody tumour that first appeared on his lip in adolescence to obliterate almost all of his face. Now 15 inches long and weighing 12 pounds, it has blinded him in one eye and made eating a daily ordeal. As it begins to block his airwaves, doctors fear his life could be in danger.

But now one of Britain’s leading facial surgeons has proposed treating Jose, 51, by employing ultrasound waves to coagulate the blood before the operation. This should allow his growths to be removed without risk of heavy bleeding – satisfying his religious prohibition on blood transfusions that has so far hampered his search for treatment.

Source: Telegraph

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This post was written by bullets on December 3, 2007

Bugatti “Test Drive”

If you’re an unexperienced driver, it’s not worth getting in one of the world’s top cars and taking it for a test drive. Get a look at how this noob driver handles a $1.4 million Bugatti Veyron.

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This post was written by bullets on November 27, 2007

Computers in 60’s – 80’s

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This post was written by bullets on November 27, 2007

Pro Street Romania – Romania tuning

Hilarious video of street racing in Romania complete with crap cars and hot chicks.


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This post was written by bullets on November 27, 2007

Exoskeleton Turns Humans Into Terminators
A Utah-based company is now six years into the development of a unique robot that fits around its user so that it literally mimics every movement of its human commander.

Imagine stepping inside a robotic system that fits around your body like an exoskeleton. It allows soldiers to become almost superhuman in strength and stamina.

In this case, whatever the soldier needs to do, the exoskeleton follows his or her exact moves.

The prototype designed and built by SARCOS is going to become even more polished and sophisticated within the next five years.

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This post was written by bullets on November 22, 2007

2010 WCQ: A quick look at the pots

Take a look at the table below to see how the pots shape up before the last matchday. Only the values for the first 14 countries are 99% correct (I would say 100% correct, but you never know), being based on official data released by FIFA. The other values are computed using historical rankings, different from the ones used by FIFA. But they’re pretty close to the official values and will help you see what pot your country will end up in.

The third column contains the number of points after the November 17th matches.

 R Country                  L    D    W
1 Italy              1537 1461 1473 1498
2 Germany            1321 1267 1296 1355
3 Spain              1309 1247 1281 1349
4 Portugal           1258 1208 1241 1306
5 France             1251 1206 1243 1318
6 Czech Republic     1250 1183 1219 1290
7 Netherlands        1217 1170 1192 1236
8 England            1151 1113 1152 1231
9 Greece             1065 1010 1045 1114
10 Romania            1055 1007 1034 1088
11 Croatia            1054 1000 1043 1129
12 Scotland            990  990  990  990
13 Russia              870  824  836  861
14 Poland              854  824  855  916
15 Turkey              847  811  842  906
16 Bulgaria            845  799  827  883
17 Northern Ireland    843  786  839  947
18 Serbia              840  792  842  942
19 Norway              832  785  800  828
20 Sweden              824  801  822  862
21 Israel              812  770  798  855
22 Ukraine             805  782  827  916
23 Denmark             738  712  737  787
24 Ireland             737  737  737  737
25 Switzerland         692  670  687  720
26 Finland             690  649  697  793
27 Bosnia-Herzegovina  622  578  626  721
28 Hungary             614  583  621  699
29 Macedonia           586  552  597  687
30 Slovakia            584  567  577  598
31 Moldova             570  570  570  570
32 Belgium             563  532  553  595
33 Wales               542  515  555  636
34 Cyprus              527  499  542  629
35 Lithuania           479  455  484  543
36 Belarus             437  419  463  551
37 Georgia             432  407  430  476
38 Albania             420  397  440  525
39 Slovenia            417  396  434  509
40 Iceland             413  384  432  527
41 Latvia              413  392  429  502
42 Armenia             396  370  387  419
43 Austria             352  342  354  378
44 Liechtenstein       261  261  261  261
45 Azerbaijan          260  247  273  325
46 Kazakhstan          247  236  255  292
47 Estonia             221  215  224  242
48 Malta               191  185  222  297
49 Luxembourg          127  127  127  127
50 Montenegro           65   65  65    65
51 Andorra              61   60 111   213
52 Faroe Islands        13   13  75   198
53 San Marino            6    6  48   131

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This post was written by bullets on November 22, 2007

12-Year-Old Saves Mom’s Life, Stops Moving Car

Sandy Miranto is alive because of her two sons, 12-year-old Jaime and 7-year-old Jayden.

It started out as one of those routine moments in life, the devoted mother grabbed her keys and put her four kids in the car. She was taking her son Jaime to play street hockey.

Jayden Miranto describes what happened when they got in the car, “We back up and she just puts her hand on her head says ‘ow’ and then her head just goes down.” Sandy slumped over the steering wheel. The car was still rolling down the driveway.

“I put my hand on the pedal and turned off the car,” says Jaime Miranto calmly.

He says he didn’t think, just acted. His foot could not reach the pedal, so he climbed down and used his hand to press the brake. Then, he shut off the car and yelled for brother Jayden to call 911.

Jaime ran to a neighbor’s house, who called an ambulance. Then, together they moved Sandy out of the car and Jayden brought his 3-year-old twin sisters in the house.

Source: Wgrz

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This post was written by bullets on November 18, 2007

Crows That Use Cars to Crack Nuts

This video shows a little about how they can adapt to almost any environment. They were proven to be the smartest Bird ..fact!
Sad to say, but that crow is smarter than half of the people who work for the government.
Watch this amazing clip from the David Attenboroughs documentary “Life of Crows” Crows have learned to drop nuts on the street below them so that cars will run over them to crack them open – so they can then eat them!
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This post was written by bullets on November 18, 2007

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Bear Grylls Now Plagiarizing Survival Techniques From Luke Skywalker

Remember in the beginning of Empire Strikes Back, when Luke Skywalker is in danger of freezing to death on the ice planet Hoth and must use his lightsaber to cut open the belly of the Tauntaun he’d been riding, so he could crawl inside for warmth and shelter? Yeah, well next week on Man vs Wild, Bear Grylls straight up does that, but with a camel, in the desert, using his hunting knife (and he even does Skywalker one better by eating some of the raw camel fat). May the force be with you not throwing up as you watch this.

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This post was written by bullets on November 17, 2007

Rare Disease Turns Man Into Tree but…

At first Ididn’t know if to believe this one or not, but see it for yourself.

SOME VIEWERS MAY FIND THIS FOOTAGE DISTURBING: An Indonesian fisherman with tree-like growths covering his body has been given hope of recovery by a US doctor.

But after seeing this video I have one conclusion: No, that can’t be real, otherwise he would not have been able to get on the clothes he was wearing. The sleeves and pant legs would not have let his hands and feet through.

Telegraph has covered the story a few days ago. Maybe we can spot some zippers around there? They have better quality video & images. I’m looking forward to see the entire video on Discovery, maybe this question about his clothes will give us a better answer. 😉

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This post was written by bullets on November 16, 2007