Canadienii se pisa peste tot

Sa va explic pe scurt:  aceasta campanie (Idle Free Calgary: Unacceptable ) incearca sa ii convinga pe soferii canadieni sa nu mai lase motorul la relanti atunci cand stationeaza. La relanti, motorul elimina gaze precum CO, NO2, SO2, benzen, formaldehida plus alte miunatii. Toate acestea combinate pot conduce la o calitatea necorespunzatoare a aerului care la randul lui poate afecat persoanele cu probleme respiratorii.

Cam asta am inteles eu din descrierea de mai jos plus putina documentare pe Google. Daca simtit ca este nevoie de o completare am sa va rog sa o faceti cu incredere sub forma de comentarii. Ma veti intreba care e legatura cu urinatul in public si va voi raspunde: inca nu am deslusit un raspuns clar asa ca nu ma pronunt. 🙂

Calgary is the corporate heart of Canada’s fossil fuel industry. In the past few years, the city has enacted a number of initiatives to improve the city’s environmental image. Unnecessary vehicle idling accounts for an enormous amount of wasted resources at significant cost to individuals as well as the city’s air quality and overall carbon footprint. Cold-climate cities like Calgary face the additional challenge of altering driver habits and behaviour when temperatures can hover for weeks in the sub-zero range. Warmist or anti-Warmist arguments aside, the premise that needless vehicle idling in large metropolitan areas exacts a heavy toll on every citizen’s overall quality of life set the stage for portraying the practice in the same light as other socially aberrant or unacceptable behaviours – like urinating in public. The benignly upbeat tone and manner of the “portrayal” of ordinary people obliviously relieving themselves in a variety of public venues is an intentional simile for the equally casual and benign manner in which people idle their vehicles as they go about their daily lives. The ‘carefree’ portrayal and whimsical ‘Marie Antoinette’ soundtrack stand in deliberate and marked contrast to the simple and disarmingly direct message conveyed by the voice and closing graphics. Like smoking, drinking and driving, spousal abuse and host of other ‘no-longer-socially-acceptable’ behaviours, needless vehicle idling is fast becoming worthy of the same social ‘pariah’ status.



  1. When we idle our vehicles, we are basically saying: piss on the planet!
    Cam asta e legătura.

  2. lasatul masinii sa scoata dejectii in public = lasatul “masinii” sa scoata dejectii in public


  3. eu sunt canadian. dar nu dau un piss pe chestiile astea ecologistice-comuniste. numai niste vrajeli sa scoata fonduri de la guvern…

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