Istoria animata a Iphone-ului

CNET UK Presents: History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs.

From CNET UK: The iPhone might be at the cutting edge of technology but it took a long time and many innovations to get there, take a trip through history and explore the people and technology that contributed to the iPhone becoming what it is today.

CNet UK ii dedica lui Steve Jobs un clip despre istoria Iphone. Btw, stiati ca primul telefon mobil destinat comercializarii (Motorola Dynatac) costa la vremea lansarii (1983) aproximativ 3900 $ si ca bateria acestuia tinea doar 30 de minute? 🙂



  1. cate viraluri cu si despre Steeve Jobs, de Bill Gates nu zice nimeni nimic chiar daca isi doneaza 99% din avere dupa moarte

  2. @Robert , Bill inca traieste 🙂
    Fara indoiala mediatizarea excesiva a povestilor despre Steve sunt marketing tools

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