Duel intre un tata bogat si fiul sau de bani gata

Duel intre un tata bogat si fiul sau de bani gata

Video footage has emerged of a father and son taking their family feud to the streets of a Chinese city.
The pair were involved in a prolonged car chase amid busy traffic on Wednesday, which ended in a crash that left both vehicles wrecked.
Images from CCTV cameras showed a silver grey Mercedes Benz limousine and a red BMW sports car trying to overtake each other on a main road in Ma’anshan, in eastern China’s Anhui Province. The Mercedes stopped at a crossroad at around 10.50am and then suddenly backed up and knocked into the BMW that had been keeping up.

Vreti sa vedeti cum arata o “chelfaneala zdravana” trasa de catre un tata asupra fiului sau? Fitit atenti ca vorbim despre o familie de bogatani din China. Fiul, posesor al unui BMW Z4, este cautat si “certat” prin trafic de catre tatal, posesor al unei limuzine Mercedes.

Mai multe detalii ale povestii puteti gasi  in descrierea clipului, thx to branco



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